I have a lot to marvel at... over a few glasses of wine... in the midst of the midnight hour...

Friday, February 27, 2009

Big Talker

I had lunch with a friend the other day and when I asked how her kids were she proudly announced that they were both doing well. She continued to tell me all the adorable milestones her 22 month old daughter was embarking on. Her baby girl is speaking in full sentences and uses words like “serious”.

I proudly responded by saying my baby has also started talking. He has the “B” sound down pat. Nico’s robust vocabulary consists of:

Bawl (with a silent L) = Ball
Ba-Ba = Bottle
Bai-Bai = Bye-Bye
Ba (with a long A) = Baby
Bu = Up
Boo = Poop
Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba, etc. = I want _____(whatever the present demand is) NOW!

Ok, we’re a long way off from using words like “serious” but surely he’ll eventually find his words and until then we will just continue to interpret all his “B” sounds into the most reasonable translation based on his immediate need.

1 comment:

  1. matt and kates little girl who is nico's age says all her words with b's too. she knows how to say doggy but every dog she sees is 'bobby'.
