I have a lot to marvel at... over a few glasses of wine... in the midst of the midnight hour...

Friday, January 16, 2009

Mommy Manipulation

When your 14 year old son calls you Mommy it is obvious he wants something. When I hear "Mommy???" wispered in a very sweet almost childish manner, something is usually what he gets. That something being his wishes are granted. Being called Mommy by a 14 year old who is already 3 inches taller than me and has a really deep voice instantly takes me back to a time when I was still needed to tuck him into bed and to fix all his problems - back when I could do no wrong and was the center of his world. My heart melts in the memory...

14 is hard for me! Riley is so independent now... he spends a good amount of time with friends. He doesn't need me to kiss him goodnight, he gets up for school, gets to and from school (occassionally even stopping at Starbucks), manages his homework, remembers when he has to get to practice and now even remembers to do his share around the house (most of the time) - all on his own. So when Mommy is still needed for something - even if it is only to give approval to a (usually) reasonable request I can't help but enjoy the Mommy moment and hope that he does too.

I hope the little kids learn the art of Mommy Manipulation when they grow up.

And I hope that Riley's "Mommy" requests continue to be reasonable...

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