I have a lot to marvel at... over a few glasses of wine... in the midst of the midnight hour...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


My sweet, sweet firstborn, who I still consider my baby but has grown up all too fast and now stands taller than me, turned 15 on Sunday.

No, I do not feel old because I am still very young at heart (and I apparently look to be only 26 or so).

Nor do I mourn for the years when Riley was just a cuddly babe who watched the world around him in wonder and constantly delighted us with his new discoveries or his recently mastered skills.

Those are all precious memories that I will cherish forever…

But I am content with my reality now and while I will always love to reminisce on Riley’s early years I wouldn’t alter the path we meandered and the memories that we made that find us where we are today.

I was a young naïve first time mother when Riley was born. I know I’ve made some mistakes. I’m sure Riley has also stumbled a time or two himself. But I will never, ever forget the unmistakable, almost frightening realization of true unconditional love that overcame me when Riley was placed in my arms for the very first time. This was a love I would die for, a life I repeatedly promised to always put first, a mind I pledged to help reach its full potential and a heart I assured to guide with love and respect.

I couldn’t remember my life before this amazing miracle of my firstborn. I couldn’t picture the day he turned 15 and I couldn’t fathom loving this babe anymore than I already did. As unbelievable as it seems Riley turned 15 and my love, respect and admiration for my firstborn only continues to grow. He surprises me with his sweetness, I am proud of his many accomplishments, I’m quite sure he’s the most handsome 15 year old in the world and I absolutely love who Riley has become.

I no longer obsess over every cry or worry about when he last ate, I don’t pick out his clothes, I am not obliged to fight his battles and always make things right. Riley has reached the age of independence. He is in control of his life. He now has the freedom, the knowledge and the maturity to make his own path in life, define his own style and develop his own dreams. It’s extremely satisfying to watch him rely on lessons learned as he moves forward deciding each road to travel.

I’m sure the next few years will bring some stressful moments when he undoubtedly loses sight of his path and occasionally meanders off course. But the best lessons learned now are those he will experience himself. I will always be there to provide guidance and assistance when he needs my support. I will always love him unconditionally regardless of his choices.

But right now I am simply and thoroughly enjoying 15.

Riley’s personality is charming, his happiness is contagious, his love is sincere, his laughter is infectious, his outlook on life is untainted, his mind is open and bright, his forgiveness comes naturally, his responsibility is blossoming, his independence is a welcome advantage, his helpfulness is much appreciated, and his gratefulness never ceases to amaze me.

Surely you can see why I love, admire, respect and cherish my firstborn more and more each and every day.

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