I am absolutely delighted to be raising a teenager. The middle school years brought a fog of awkwardness – we watched our boy go through puberty and we toiled with the idea of new found freedoms while Riley adjusted to his changing body and altered emotions. Broader boundaries that came with ever changing rules to accommodate new situations defined our days. These years were not horribly difficult but they did alter our comfortable routines and found us questioning and redefining our parenting at every corner. (I could – and will someday – write an entire post on this imminent transition).
But for now we have come full circle. Riley has a great deal of freedom but he realizes that I still play an important role in his life. He looks to me for rides or to type up a paper and he periodically asks me for advice and occasionally divulges some juicy details about his high school life. Riley’s genuinely appreciative of the role that I play in his life right now and we both go to great lengths to keep this relationship thriving. The car rides to and from games with a car full of sweaty, smelly boys might be enough to send a sane person running for hiding but I cherish those moments when the boys are all pumped up and so willing to talk about games, girls, grades and life. I even sat through the Zombie Land movie with the boys and they were incredibly grateful for the gesture – of course, I realize they had to have a parent present at this R rated film but we all had a blast and they made certain I enjoyed myself, inviting me to sit with them, sharing their popcorn, offering up their iPods to bide my time and repeatedly thanking me.
I believe we understand each other – not that either of us pretend to know what it’s like to be in each other’s shoes but we respect each of our unique lives, we value our maturing relationship and we walk a fine line between parent and child, friend and confidant. I love these teenage years!
I can relate to my teenager – I know when to step in and when to leave well enough alone. But I cannot and will not even attempt to relate to a classroom full of five year olds. I have a new found respect for all kindergarten teachers who so willingly and patiently teach these rambunctious children how to read and write. When I volunteer for a mere 2 ½ hours I am exhausted and frazzled to say the least. My one and only 5 year old wears me down with her energy and persistent demands but the experience of volunteering and watching Hope master her introduction to public school is immensely satisfying.
I spent my entire kindergarten year crying for my mommy and panicking whenever the daily routine went awry. Hope manages two schools and dance/gymnastics classes each day and is still ready to perform or argue until she gets her way each evening. I watch my baby girl try so hard to perfect her passions, whether is be singing, dancing, gymnastics or homework she is confident, determined and passionate. Hope inspires me to try harder, let go of my insecurities, and find my full potential. Hope’s discovery of a new talent, whether it is a new song or a new gymnastics or dance move, will send her into hours of countless practice until she masters the goal. Hope is relentless and despite my frustration when she can so easily master a yoga move after briefly viewing a magazine photo I am determined to find her persistence deep within me somewhere (after all, I did give birth to this girl) and obtain my own goals with perseverance. Hope is my inspiration!
While Hope succeeds in her new world Nico is finding his own way in this grown-up world. He has somewhat reluctantly deserted his binky and is still learning to sleep in a big boy bed all by himself at his delicate young age. I long for the day when he whispers good night and rolls over easily allowing slumber to overtake his tired body. It will happen all too soon – don’t wish it away too fast. Nico has found his voice and his will. He is determined to keep up in our chaotic life – demanding attention, adoring Riley and his friends, spending countless hours hanging out with the boys, and battling it out with Hope when a struggle arises. My little babe is independent and ferocious when he’s finding his way, but still loves to be cuddles and coddled and can turn on the charm and melts my heart with the simplest love – a bear hug and a kiss and he worms his way deep into my heart, where I grant his every desire and find myself wishing my babe could always stay this cute and cuddly – for I know this babe will grow up all too soon.
So I am simply enjoying these precious moments with all the happiness they bring. I am loving my life!
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