Would she get lost in the shuffle of multiple institutions and many daily transitions, or disgruntled with her new teachers who might (sigh) find her only average when she came from a place where she was deemed a superstar, or frustrated by her new friends who might not find her mesmerizing and esteem to match her every move and grant her dramatic demands?
These worst case scenario fears were highly unfounded – as it turns out Hope has discovered her passion in dance and gymnastics. She is persistent in her pursuit to keep up and surpass those with years of experience and she perseveres through long days with tireless effort and countless hours of extra practice.
She commenced on this journey with stamina, energy and a positive attitude – ready to take on the world. After all, as Hope will remind you, she is now five and ready to make her debut in the “real world” of kindergartners. Hope’s enthusiasm for dance and her fervor for gymnastics have already solicited much attention, appreciation and acceptance from teachers and (to Hope’s delight and my reassurance) she has repeatedly been “bumped” up.
Hope began taking pre-ballet with 5 and 6 year olds but it was clearly evident to the instructor that Hope was ready for more. She was immediately bumped up to ballet with 6-8 year olds and is already hard at work perfecting her upcoming performance in the Nutcracker ballet, performed at Southridge high school.
Hope immediately sensed a disconnect between her 5 year old gymnastic counterparts and walked out of the class insisting her after school instructors sign her up for a different gymnastics class. Her demands were granted and she spent a mere 4 weeks practicing her skill with 6-8 year olds before it became unmistakably evident that Hope’s passion and persistence deemed her ready for level 2 gymnastics. A personalized letter of congratulations was mailed home making the move to this next level official.
Hope is not pressured to succeed in this new world. In fact, Hope predictably crumbles under any pressure I unassumingly assert upon her. She has simply found an activity that she desires to do well in and she spends so much of her time perfecting these talents. Hope has discovered a new passion that brings out a fervent desire to accomplish noteworthy goals, she is persistent in her efforts to succeed and be seen, and she perseveres despite her young age or her demanding new schedule – because this is Hope’s new world… and Hope has undoubtedly found her way, she is determined and she is motivated… particularly now that she has already been ‘bumped” up. She is, no doubt, up for the challenge!
I can't wait to watch her performance!!!