Despite my children’s less than stellar behavior in public my dear friend Carrie (who so happens to be the worlds greatest babysitter) asked to take my children to Chuck E Cheese on Friday night for a play date. Seriously?? Even I have not dared venture into those uncharted waters with Hope and Nico. Carrie asked if I had any concerns … my only concern was, of course, for her sanity. But I remembered that my children behave better for Carrie than for me so plans were set in motion.
Hope was ecstatic with the news and simply could not wait to ride in Carrie’s car to “Chucker Cheese” (which it shall always be referred to now in our household). Believe it or not their behavior was impeccable (well, impeccable for stubborn Gronke children) and everyone had a blast – including Roger and me! We took the opportunity to go shopping for a dress to wear to Colleen’s wedding next weekend. I modeled every little black dress I could find as Roger critiqued. Finally settling on the first dress we found along with some patent leather heels we were off to plan our weekend in Chicago over dinner and drinks.
I’m feeling slightly overwhelmed with gratitude tonight - along with a new appreciation for Chucker Cheese and an enlightened view of public temper tantrums (and a bit guilt for the temper tantrums I threw at daycare this week).
So tonight I am thankful and grateful…
I am thankful that I have been enlightened to the real world of public temper tantrums with the arrival of my two youngest, very spirited and stubborn children who find public displays of humiliation a God-given right, albeit not very fruitful as I can be just as stubborn.
And I am grateful for my fabulous friend and babysitter who asks me if she can take my kids to Chucker Cheese and my endearing husband who so willingly accompanied me on my quest for the perfect dress (and even paid the bill).
This is my wonderful life… temper tantrums and all!
Chucker cheese is now added to the long list of cute things hope says. In addition to: the black bettis, the naughty yellow dog, Hunkleberry, etc...