We have reached the stage in our lives where we have given up trying to keep everything remotely dangerous or dirty from finding their way into Nico's hands. We no longer find ourselves methodically closing the bathroom doors and the baby gate is often left open allowing Nico to roam freely. He finds this exhilarating. We find it to just be easier now that he the big 20 months old and usually finds a way around our safe guards anyway.
This new found freedom means that I often find myself wandering through each room dreading the disaster that Nico will undoubtably be entertained by each time the house gets eerily quiet.
Many times this week this is where I have found him. Naked and ALL...
He does not actually use the toilet but he knows enough to strip off his diaper and sit (even if he is literally sitting IN the toilet)...
I wish I had a rear end this cute!!
That is awesome! Maybe he will be potty trained before he talks. I have a picture of Riley like that I am saving for his bride.