However, upon insistence from my oh-so-wise pediatrician I took him in so they could officially check his hearing to rule out any inner ear trouble that could be causing him to be oh so unbalanced… and all the while it wouldn’t hurt to have him use words like “serious”. So, I relented…
As it turns out his left ear showed no activity. Further examination showed the lack of hearing is probably related to fluid. Well this information made the most sense to me thus far on our journey to “balance” our clumsy child.
So we will wait… and hope the fluid clears up shortly on it’s own so he can regain his hearing in that ear and take off running in a straight line with fewer bumps and bruises. For now we will just keep teaching him how to say “serious” – whispering it over and over in his right ear, of course!
I think his clumsiness is cute…
On another note Nico put on quite a stoic show for the hearing and speech therapists. He showed them that he knew exactly what they wanted him to do… he would look at the door when they asked him to close it and he would stare at the cup when they asked him to pick it up. But he was not about to give in to any of their requests. So he got an average grade in comprehension and an A+ in stubbornness. Where does he get that from?
I feel really bad for Nico's wife. D can only hear out of one ear and it has become quite the excuse for not listening to me! Go bubster! I can't wait to smother them all with kisses next week.
ReplyDeleteOh and yes, those are neck rolls. :)