I once fantisized about a life where laundry was always washed, folded and neatly stored away, where beds were never left unmade, coming home to an immaculate house smelling of pinesol and soap... I suddenly realize the beauty of a house well lived in.
Now I dream about the house I am trying to buy. The same house that once seemed simply acceptable has entangled every last detail deep within my heart and mind, despite the reality that one day owning this home is slowly slipping away from my grasp. I rearrange rooms in my daydreams, I scan stores for complimenting furniture, I select paint colors in my head, I drive by repeatedly just practicing my new commute – I have fallen in love with this house and I vicariously live my life in this new home – I don’t want to let it go.
While I meddle through my reality my mind is preoccupied with my fantasy. I am stuck in limbo land – snubbing reality, disquieted by the unknown, and imagining the future.
I’m not looking for answers to where my life my take me but I’d sure like to know where I am going to live so I can move on and start living my life once again.
Someone please buy my home so my invented future can dissipate into a realistic present.
Oh man, you need to sell that house. I'm coming over this weekend to see it all clean and immaculate. It's a once in a lifetime experience!