Hope spotted these delectables in the check out counter and her ravenous desire to devour the small tub took over. An unsuccessful argument ensued…
I would not buy the Dibs at Blockbuster for a mere fortune, but I agreed to walk next door to the grocery store and purchase a full size tub of Dibs (promising an abundance of flavors) for a fraction of the cost. And just to make it more enticing (and stop the incessant demand for Dibs NOW) I vowed to buy two tubs of Dibs.
All to no avail…
The whining and threatening intensified. Crocodile tears threatened to make an appearance and I was banned from all future birthday parties and was the recipient of multiple threats of life long silence.
But there was no silence…
The threats persisted and the drama became exaggerated: slumped shoulders, feet dragging, tears immanent, and a last dying wish for a measly (albeit costly) tub of Dibs.
Apparently Hope was not going to live to make it the mere 30 second walk to an abundant supply and multiple flavors of Dibs. Fifteen minutes of failed reasoning and futile bribes fell upon the deaf ears of my determined child.
A final dramatic plea plagued with threats and retaliation (a few mere feet from the ice cream isle in the grocery store) prompted me to recant my generous offer and firmly walk (ok, drag!) Hope out of the store, buckle her in the car, drive her home and put her in bed.
No movies, no Dibs!
I promised that you would not die if I did not buy you Dibs at Blockbuster but because you were convinced that your fragile body would surely wither away without them I offered to buy you twice the amount just a few feet away.
You threatened to cut off all communication yet you continued on and on and on demanding Dibs at Blockbuster.
Oh Baby Girl! I cannot wait until you learn the logic of reasoning. But I suppose that you cannot learn this lesson without a bit of drama. Perhaps this performance was the first step towards your understanding…
And people say that teenagers are hard to reason with… they obviously have not conversed with Hope!
Persistent and relentless my baby girl is! (I have no idea where she gets that from so I default the blame to Roger J ) When Hope finally grasps the concept of logic and reason and incorporates those skills into her manipulatives we are all in for a serious bout of trouble.
And yet I wouldn’t trade any of this for the world. I have a confident, determined daughter temporarily hell bent on Blockbuster’s Dibs.
Your persistence (once perfected), your logic (once learned), and your reasoning (once honed) will take you far. I love you more than you know baby girl – drama and all!
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