This is what I woke up to this morning….
Hope dressed in her best (her definition of best, not mine) because it was a special day. Gotta love the bright blue tights with obnoxious polkadots and the neon pink shirt to compliment a beautiful party dress (picked up at Fred Meyer for $4). Yes, this outfit does warrant a special occasion… but what might this special day have in store?
Well, don’t you all get this dressed up to go to the dentist? Of course! It’s Hope’s 6 month dental check-up. If only we could all get this excited about getting our teeth cleaned… (some of us just have healthier teeth than others and thankfully Hope has not inherited my poor oral health).
All dressed and ready to go (after applying a small amount of makeup to Hope’s already gorgeous face because remember… it is a special day and Hope insists that you must look your best on special days.)
If you can picture Hope at the dentist you will undoubtedly understand why going to the dentist is such a treat. Hope arrives, purse in hand, strutting her hand picked outfit, the ponytail and ice cream barrettes that she arranged in her hair all by herself, dangling earrings, shiny black boots, and an attitude that can derail even the most confident of people. She is greeted by oohs and aaahhs and flattering comments on her special attire. This only boosts her ego and she begins to speak. She tells everyone who will listen, her life story (including commentary on how Riley is always in trouble for not turning in his homework). The dental hygienist finally has to sweetly ask Hope to play the quiet game for 2 minutes so she can clean her teeth. She has to remind Hope that we’re playing the quiet game every 5 seconds – because Hope has not finished telling her life story. Hope gets another ego boost when the dentist tells her she has the most beautiful teeth she’s ever seen on a young child – no tartar, no soft spots – just perfect teeth.
Hope is pleased with this news but she’s not completely satisfied. She is bound and determined that it’s time to loose her first tooth. She lays into the dentist with questions about why she hasn’t lost a tooth yet. I mean, if her teeth are so perfect why hasn’t she lost one yet? Her friend has lost a tooth. The Tooth Fairy even visited her friend. It simply isn’t fair that her friend lost a tooth before she did. Our wonderful dentist and hygienist did their best to assure Hope she would lose a tooth very soon but Hope was looking more for a specific date. We all settled on the date of “when she turns 5”. I have three more months to figure out how to trigger a loose tooth because I have no doubt she will remember in three short months that we promised she would lose a tooth when she turned 5 (and not a day after)…
A trip to Starbucks is in order after the dentist, of course! This part always takes me back to my long years in braces where Grandma June always took me to Pizza Hut (at my request) after a check-up. I always looked forward to orthodontic visits, simply for this special treat and it’s a memory I will always cherish. Right along side the memory of Grandpa coming to pick me up for a dentist appointment and driving right on past our house in the green machine… the first sign that he probably shouldn’t have been driving… or taking me to the dentist. A bittersweet memory but one I will never forget and a story I love to tell over and over.
Starbucks proved to be just as attention getting as the dentist was. EVERYONE in Starbucks commented on Hope’s attire and confident attitude. Once again, this only made her more confident and twenty too many strangers heard her life story today in that Starbucks. By the way, Hope’s life story now always includes the tale of how she has the most beautiful teeth in the world and how she is going to be a rock star like Hannah Montanna when she turns 5 – right alongside how she will lose a tooth when she is 5! I just sit back and let her roll once she starts… And when a complete stranger looks at me with questioning eyes that plead: “Please help me… I just commented on her attire and now she has me stuck in this life story and I just came for coffee and I’m sorry I said anything. Can’t you make her stop so I can go on about my business?” I just shrug my shoulders and raise my eyebrows as if to say - Sorry, you complimented her – this is what you get…
Hope continued through the day telling everyone to look away when she smiles because her teeth are so white and bright that they will blind you. That’s what happens when you have the most beautiful teeth in the world, you know?
Hmmm… what will Hope do when she gets her first cavity? Dress in black and go into mourning…??? I guess for now, we’ll encourage Hope to dress for this special occasion every six months and hope that she loses a tooth right on schedule – when she turns 5.
Well, don’t you all get this dressed up to go to the dentist? Of course! It’s Hope’s 6 month dental check-up. If only we could all get this excited about getting our teeth cleaned… (some of us just have healthier teeth than others and thankfully Hope has not inherited my poor oral health).
All dressed and ready to go (after applying a small amount of makeup to Hope’s already gorgeous face because remember… it is a special day and Hope insists that you must look your best on special days.)
If you can picture Hope at the dentist you will undoubtedly understand why going to the dentist is such a treat. Hope arrives, purse in hand, strutting her hand picked outfit, the ponytail and ice cream barrettes that she arranged in her hair all by herself, dangling earrings, shiny black boots, and an attitude that can derail even the most confident of people. She is greeted by oohs and aaahhs and flattering comments on her special attire. This only boosts her ego and she begins to speak. She tells everyone who will listen, her life story (including commentary on how Riley is always in trouble for not turning in his homework). The dental hygienist finally has to sweetly ask Hope to play the quiet game for 2 minutes so she can clean her teeth. She has to remind Hope that we’re playing the quiet game every 5 seconds – because Hope has not finished telling her life story. Hope gets another ego boost when the dentist tells her she has the most beautiful teeth she’s ever seen on a young child – no tartar, no soft spots – just perfect teeth.
Hope is pleased with this news but she’s not completely satisfied. She is bound and determined that it’s time to loose her first tooth. She lays into the dentist with questions about why she hasn’t lost a tooth yet. I mean, if her teeth are so perfect why hasn’t she lost one yet? Her friend has lost a tooth. The Tooth Fairy even visited her friend. It simply isn’t fair that her friend lost a tooth before she did. Our wonderful dentist and hygienist did their best to assure Hope she would lose a tooth very soon but Hope was looking more for a specific date. We all settled on the date of “when she turns 5”. I have three more months to figure out how to trigger a loose tooth because I have no doubt she will remember in three short months that we promised she would lose a tooth when she turned 5 (and not a day after)…
A trip to Starbucks is in order after the dentist, of course! This part always takes me back to my long years in braces where Grandma June always took me to Pizza Hut (at my request) after a check-up. I always looked forward to orthodontic visits, simply for this special treat and it’s a memory I will always cherish. Right along side the memory of Grandpa coming to pick me up for a dentist appointment and driving right on past our house in the green machine… the first sign that he probably shouldn’t have been driving… or taking me to the dentist. A bittersweet memory but one I will never forget and a story I love to tell over and over.
Starbucks proved to be just as attention getting as the dentist was. EVERYONE in Starbucks commented on Hope’s attire and confident attitude. Once again, this only made her more confident and twenty too many strangers heard her life story today in that Starbucks. By the way, Hope’s life story now always includes the tale of how she has the most beautiful teeth in the world and how she is going to be a rock star like Hannah Montanna when she turns 5 – right alongside how she will lose a tooth when she is 5! I just sit back and let her roll once she starts… And when a complete stranger looks at me with questioning eyes that plead: “Please help me… I just commented on her attire and now she has me stuck in this life story and I just came for coffee and I’m sorry I said anything. Can’t you make her stop so I can go on about my business?” I just shrug my shoulders and raise my eyebrows as if to say - Sorry, you complimented her – this is what you get…
Hope continued through the day telling everyone to look away when she smiles because her teeth are so white and bright that they will blind you. That’s what happens when you have the most beautiful teeth in the world, you know?
Hmmm… what will Hope do when she gets her first cavity? Dress in black and go into mourning…??? I guess for now, we’ll encourage Hope to dress for this special occasion every six months and hope that she loses a tooth right on schedule – when she turns 5.
Oh my goodness, I need to take K to the dentist. Maybe Hope can go along with him!!!