I had lunch with a friend the other day and when I asked how her kids were she proudly announced that they were both doing well. She continued to tell me all the adorable milestones her 22 month old daughter was embarking on. Her baby girl is speaking in full sentences and uses words like “serious”.
I proudly responded by saying my baby has also started talking. He has the “B” sound down pat. Nico’s robust vocabulary consists of:
Bawl (with a silent L) = Ball
Ba-Ba = Bottle
Bai-Bai = Bye-Bye
Ba (with a long A) = Baby
Bu = Up
Boo = Poop
Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba, etc. = I want _____(whatever the present demand is) NOW!
Ok, we’re a long way off from using words like “serious” but surely he’ll eventually find his words and until then we will just continue to interpret all his “B” sounds into the most reasonable translation based on his immediate need.
I have a lot to marvel at... over a few glasses of wine... in the midst of the midnight hour...
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Hot Girls
Two weeks ago…
Hope: “Today, we played Hot Girls at recess!”
I tilt my head to the side, crinkle my forehead and raise my eyebrows as I look at Roger in hopes that he can explain away my concern over Hope playing Hot Girls at school.
Roger laughs (hysterically)!
I am laughing now too but I am still a bit concerned.
I have to find out more about Hot Girls…
Me: “Wow! That sounds like fun Hope. What do you do when you play Hot Girls?”
Hope: “You know Mom – We just play Hot Girls. You can play sometime if you want – I guess you could be a Hot Girl”
I am not only relieved by this answer I am thrilled because Hope thinks I could be a Hot Girl. I’m not so concerned anymore. This Hot Girl play must be pretty innocent if Hope thinks her mom is cool enough to be a Hot Girl.
My thrill over being invited into the Hot Girls club only intensifies over a couple of weeks.
When I put Hope to bed one night she whispered in my ear how she wished I could play Hot Girls with her at recess. She tells me I would be the best Hot Girl ever.
One day on our way home from school Hope tells me that she forbid her friends to be the Hot Girl when they were playing at recess. She told all her friends that only her Mom (yes, ME!) could be a Hot Girl.
Hope dreamed that I was the best Hot Girl ever.
I love being considered a Hot Girl (even if it’s only your 4 ½ year old that thinks you’re a Hot Girl).
I got so caught up in being a Hot Girl that I’m afraid to say I lost sight of reality.
Until today…
Reality came crashing down on me today and burst my Hot Girl bubble.
This was the end of my Hot Girl fantasy:
Hope danced around the kitchen celebrating the simple fact that her netflix movie came in the mail today (netflix days are always sure to bring out the brightest spirits and best behavior in our house).
Hope: “Mom, we can watch our Hot Girl movie together and you can be the Hot Girl and I will be the one with the stars and stripes”
Intrigued, I read the movie envelope…
“…In War World, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and Hawk Girl infiltrate Mongul’s lair to save an ailing Superman…”
Enough said… I’m not the Hot Girl in my daughter’s eyes quite like I had imagined it. There’s a big difference between Hot Girls and Hawk Girls – even if Hawk Girls are Super Heroes.
I don’t want to be a Hawk Girl. I want to be a Hot Girl!
Now my reality goes something like this:
Really, how old am I? This was childish behavior for sure – shouldn’t I have been teaching Hope all about how beauty comes from within? Shouldn’t I have been even slightly concerned where she learned about Hot Girls?
Oh, but to be invited into the Hot Girls club by a confident, outspoken, secure, poised, go-getter, who no doubt runs the playground at school, can cloud reality for even the most grounded parents, right?
I’d rather forget this netflix night and continue on through life thinking I was the ultimate Hot Girl.
Hope: “Today, we played Hot Girls at recess!”
I tilt my head to the side, crinkle my forehead and raise my eyebrows as I look at Roger in hopes that he can explain away my concern over Hope playing Hot Girls at school.
Roger laughs (hysterically)!
I am laughing now too but I am still a bit concerned.
I have to find out more about Hot Girls…
Me: “Wow! That sounds like fun Hope. What do you do when you play Hot Girls?”
Hope: “You know Mom – We just play Hot Girls. You can play sometime if you want – I guess you could be a Hot Girl”
I am not only relieved by this answer I am thrilled because Hope thinks I could be a Hot Girl. I’m not so concerned anymore. This Hot Girl play must be pretty innocent if Hope thinks her mom is cool enough to be a Hot Girl.
My thrill over being invited into the Hot Girls club only intensifies over a couple of weeks.
When I put Hope to bed one night she whispered in my ear how she wished I could play Hot Girls with her at recess. She tells me I would be the best Hot Girl ever.
One day on our way home from school Hope tells me that she forbid her friends to be the Hot Girl when they were playing at recess. She told all her friends that only her Mom (yes, ME!) could be a Hot Girl.
Hope dreamed that I was the best Hot Girl ever.
I love being considered a Hot Girl (even if it’s only your 4 ½ year old that thinks you’re a Hot Girl).
I got so caught up in being a Hot Girl that I’m afraid to say I lost sight of reality.
Until today…
Reality came crashing down on me today and burst my Hot Girl bubble.
This was the end of my Hot Girl fantasy:
Hope danced around the kitchen celebrating the simple fact that her netflix movie came in the mail today (netflix days are always sure to bring out the brightest spirits and best behavior in our house).
Hope: “Mom, we can watch our Hot Girl movie together and you can be the Hot Girl and I will be the one with the stars and stripes”
Intrigued, I read the movie envelope…
“…In War World, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and Hawk Girl infiltrate Mongul’s lair to save an ailing Superman…”
Enough said… I’m not the Hot Girl in my daughter’s eyes quite like I had imagined it. There’s a big difference between Hot Girls and Hawk Girls – even if Hawk Girls are Super Heroes.
I don’t want to be a Hawk Girl. I want to be a Hot Girl!
Now my reality goes something like this:
Really, how old am I? This was childish behavior for sure – shouldn’t I have been teaching Hope all about how beauty comes from within? Shouldn’t I have been even slightly concerned where she learned about Hot Girls?
Oh, but to be invited into the Hot Girls club by a confident, outspoken, secure, poised, go-getter, who no doubt runs the playground at school, can cloud reality for even the most grounded parents, right?
I’d rather forget this netflix night and continue on through life thinking I was the ultimate Hot Girl.
Happy Handsome
Today, my little man passed his neurological exam with flying colors... they have officially diagnosed Nico as "Clumsy and Uncoordinated".
And the prognosis is many more bumps and bruises.
This really should not come as a surprise to any of you who know me. I am the clumsiest person I know… And based on Roger’s kindergarten report card his coordination skills were severely delayed as well. Roger’s teacher wrote something close to this: “Roger really struggles with basic coordination skills, like jumping jacks”. I have this report card as proof no matter how much he denies this. I think Kathy passed it on to me for a good laugh.
So, our baby is normal (considering the poor genes he inherited). Here’s how he feels about this diagnosis…
So, our baby is normal (considering the poor genes he inherited). Here’s how he feels about this diagnosis…
Couldn't be happier!
Practicing his role as a future husband :)
OK, ENOUGH pictures Mom!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Accomodating Teenagers
Funny thing, that mind of mine… I was folding laundry and as usual my mind was going 100 miles an hour. I was folding towels – old dingy white towels that we have had for almost 9 years. These are old towels that I have replaced with big, fluffy, sea green towels that match my bathroom perfectly. These old fraying towels no longer reside in my bathroom… So why do I still have these shabby white bath towels you ask? Well, I was pondering that same question myself as I went through the monotonous routine of folding old bath towels.
I still have these towels because Riley loves these old towels. He has forbid me to get rid of them. He hates my luxurious, fluffy, sea green towels that have long replaced the old ones. “They aren’t as absorbent”… not that he used that those words but that was the jist of his reaction to my new towels. So I keep the old towels – in a special basket outside of the bathroom – just for Riley.
My day dreaming mind took me back to when I was a teenager, and to my parent’s utter bewilderment, I never remembered to hang up my bath towel – despite the continuous lectures, bribes, threats, etc. So one day I came home to find a towel rack had been hung directly outside of my bedroom. All this, so that I would remember to hang up my bathroom towel.
With my laundry all folded it was time to move on to other thoughts so in the end I concluded… I have a pile of special towels in my hallway for Riley – just as my parents had a special towel rack for me, in their hallway. Is this pile of towels in my hallway payback for the towel rack my parents had to endure in their hallway when I was a teenager? Oh, the things we do to accommodate teenagers.
I still have these towels because Riley loves these old towels. He has forbid me to get rid of them. He hates my luxurious, fluffy, sea green towels that have long replaced the old ones. “They aren’t as absorbent”… not that he used that those words but that was the jist of his reaction to my new towels. So I keep the old towels – in a special basket outside of the bathroom – just for Riley.
My day dreaming mind took me back to when I was a teenager, and to my parent’s utter bewilderment, I never remembered to hang up my bath towel – despite the continuous lectures, bribes, threats, etc. So one day I came home to find a towel rack had been hung directly outside of my bedroom. All this, so that I would remember to hang up my bathroom towel.
With my laundry all folded it was time to move on to other thoughts so in the end I concluded… I have a pile of special towels in my hallway for Riley – just as my parents had a special towel rack for me, in their hallway. Is this pile of towels in my hallway payback for the towel rack my parents had to endure in their hallway when I was a teenager? Oh, the things we do to accommodate teenagers.
An Occasion to Dress Up
This is what I woke up to this morning….
Hope dressed in her best (her definition of best, not mine) because it was a special day. Gotta love the bright blue tights with obnoxious polkadots and the neon pink shirt to compliment a beautiful party dress (picked up at Fred Meyer for $4). Yes, this outfit does warrant a special occasion… but what might this special day have in store?
Well, don’t you all get this dressed up to go to the dentist? Of course! It’s Hope’s 6 month dental check-up. If only we could all get this excited about getting our teeth cleaned… (some of us just have healthier teeth than others and thankfully Hope has not inherited my poor oral health).
All dressed and ready to go (after applying a small amount of makeup to Hope’s already gorgeous face because remember… it is a special day and Hope insists that you must look your best on special days.)
If you can picture Hope at the dentist you will undoubtedly understand why going to the dentist is such a treat. Hope arrives, purse in hand, strutting her hand picked outfit, the ponytail and ice cream barrettes that she arranged in her hair all by herself, dangling earrings, shiny black boots, and an attitude that can derail even the most confident of people. She is greeted by oohs and aaahhs and flattering comments on her special attire. This only boosts her ego and she begins to speak. She tells everyone who will listen, her life story (including commentary on how Riley is always in trouble for not turning in his homework). The dental hygienist finally has to sweetly ask Hope to play the quiet game for 2 minutes so she can clean her teeth. She has to remind Hope that we’re playing the quiet game every 5 seconds – because Hope has not finished telling her life story. Hope gets another ego boost when the dentist tells her she has the most beautiful teeth she’s ever seen on a young child – no tartar, no soft spots – just perfect teeth.
Hope is pleased with this news but she’s not completely satisfied. She is bound and determined that it’s time to loose her first tooth. She lays into the dentist with questions about why she hasn’t lost a tooth yet. I mean, if her teeth are so perfect why hasn’t she lost one yet? Her friend has lost a tooth. The Tooth Fairy even visited her friend. It simply isn’t fair that her friend lost a tooth before she did. Our wonderful dentist and hygienist did their best to assure Hope she would lose a tooth very soon but Hope was looking more for a specific date. We all settled on the date of “when she turns 5”. I have three more months to figure out how to trigger a loose tooth because I have no doubt she will remember in three short months that we promised she would lose a tooth when she turned 5 (and not a day after)…
A trip to Starbucks is in order after the dentist, of course! This part always takes me back to my long years in braces where Grandma June always took me to Pizza Hut (at my request) after a check-up. I always looked forward to orthodontic visits, simply for this special treat and it’s a memory I will always cherish. Right along side the memory of Grandpa coming to pick me up for a dentist appointment and driving right on past our house in the green machine… the first sign that he probably shouldn’t have been driving… or taking me to the dentist. A bittersweet memory but one I will never forget and a story I love to tell over and over.
Starbucks proved to be just as attention getting as the dentist was. EVERYONE in Starbucks commented on Hope’s attire and confident attitude. Once again, this only made her more confident and twenty too many strangers heard her life story today in that Starbucks. By the way, Hope’s life story now always includes the tale of how she has the most beautiful teeth in the world and how she is going to be a rock star like Hannah Montanna when she turns 5 – right alongside how she will lose a tooth when she is 5! I just sit back and let her roll once she starts… And when a complete stranger looks at me with questioning eyes that plead: “Please help me… I just commented on her attire and now she has me stuck in this life story and I just came for coffee and I’m sorry I said anything. Can’t you make her stop so I can go on about my business?” I just shrug my shoulders and raise my eyebrows as if to say - Sorry, you complimented her – this is what you get…
Hope continued through the day telling everyone to look away when she smiles because her teeth are so white and bright that they will blind you. That’s what happens when you have the most beautiful teeth in the world, you know?
Hmmm… what will Hope do when she gets her first cavity? Dress in black and go into mourning…??? I guess for now, we’ll encourage Hope to dress for this special occasion every six months and hope that she loses a tooth right on schedule – when she turns 5.
Well, don’t you all get this dressed up to go to the dentist? Of course! It’s Hope’s 6 month dental check-up. If only we could all get this excited about getting our teeth cleaned… (some of us just have healthier teeth than others and thankfully Hope has not inherited my poor oral health).
All dressed and ready to go (after applying a small amount of makeup to Hope’s already gorgeous face because remember… it is a special day and Hope insists that you must look your best on special days.)
If you can picture Hope at the dentist you will undoubtedly understand why going to the dentist is such a treat. Hope arrives, purse in hand, strutting her hand picked outfit, the ponytail and ice cream barrettes that she arranged in her hair all by herself, dangling earrings, shiny black boots, and an attitude that can derail even the most confident of people. She is greeted by oohs and aaahhs and flattering comments on her special attire. This only boosts her ego and she begins to speak. She tells everyone who will listen, her life story (including commentary on how Riley is always in trouble for not turning in his homework). The dental hygienist finally has to sweetly ask Hope to play the quiet game for 2 minutes so she can clean her teeth. She has to remind Hope that we’re playing the quiet game every 5 seconds – because Hope has not finished telling her life story. Hope gets another ego boost when the dentist tells her she has the most beautiful teeth she’s ever seen on a young child – no tartar, no soft spots – just perfect teeth.
Hope is pleased with this news but she’s not completely satisfied. She is bound and determined that it’s time to loose her first tooth. She lays into the dentist with questions about why she hasn’t lost a tooth yet. I mean, if her teeth are so perfect why hasn’t she lost one yet? Her friend has lost a tooth. The Tooth Fairy even visited her friend. It simply isn’t fair that her friend lost a tooth before she did. Our wonderful dentist and hygienist did their best to assure Hope she would lose a tooth very soon but Hope was looking more for a specific date. We all settled on the date of “when she turns 5”. I have three more months to figure out how to trigger a loose tooth because I have no doubt she will remember in three short months that we promised she would lose a tooth when she turned 5 (and not a day after)…
A trip to Starbucks is in order after the dentist, of course! This part always takes me back to my long years in braces where Grandma June always took me to Pizza Hut (at my request) after a check-up. I always looked forward to orthodontic visits, simply for this special treat and it’s a memory I will always cherish. Right along side the memory of Grandpa coming to pick me up for a dentist appointment and driving right on past our house in the green machine… the first sign that he probably shouldn’t have been driving… or taking me to the dentist. A bittersweet memory but one I will never forget and a story I love to tell over and over.
Starbucks proved to be just as attention getting as the dentist was. EVERYONE in Starbucks commented on Hope’s attire and confident attitude. Once again, this only made her more confident and twenty too many strangers heard her life story today in that Starbucks. By the way, Hope’s life story now always includes the tale of how she has the most beautiful teeth in the world and how she is going to be a rock star like Hannah Montanna when she turns 5 – right alongside how she will lose a tooth when she is 5! I just sit back and let her roll once she starts… And when a complete stranger looks at me with questioning eyes that plead: “Please help me… I just commented on her attire and now she has me stuck in this life story and I just came for coffee and I’m sorry I said anything. Can’t you make her stop so I can go on about my business?” I just shrug my shoulders and raise my eyebrows as if to say - Sorry, you complimented her – this is what you get…
Hope continued through the day telling everyone to look away when she smiles because her teeth are so white and bright that they will blind you. That’s what happens when you have the most beautiful teeth in the world, you know?
Hmmm… what will Hope do when she gets her first cavity? Dress in black and go into mourning…??? I guess for now, we’ll encourage Hope to dress for this special occasion every six months and hope that she loses a tooth right on schedule – when she turns 5.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
The Great Chase
I am contemplating packing my bags and leaving… no, not because Roger and I got in a fight (we’re way beyond those types of arguements – thank goodness!) and not because I have anywhere in particular to go… but tonight I want to leave my cozy home because we have an intruder.
Ironically, I was on the phone last night telling Elizabeth about all the creepy creatures we’ve seen in our neighborhood lately. We had a raccoon under our deck about a month ago. I came eerily close to a skunk in our backyard a few weeks back. I’ve been smelling skunks way too often lately. And, I see way too many skunks and raccoons when I drive through our neighborhood at night. Roger even saw a coyote running down our street the other day. As I was relaying this all to Elizabeth over the phone I watched Ariel begin to stalk something under our stove. This didn’t register alarm at first because Ariel will play with wrappers or hair ties and when she sends her newfound toys flying under the stove or the fridge she will try for hours to recapture them. But this time her hair was raised and she was growling. Panic started to set in. I pried Roger away from his movie to confirm my suspicion… there was a creepy little beady eyed mouse under the stove. We have been invaded by the most disgusting, dirty, creepy little creature possible (ok, other than a rat). Ariel proved to be useless. She lost interest fairly quickly and sauntered off to resume her nap. Roger tried to capture the intruder while I stood on the kitchen chair watching for it’s escape. Unfortunately, the speedy little critter ran into a hole behind the cabinets so we reluctantly called off the hunt for the evening.
I poured myself a large glass of wine and crawled into bed to read in an attempt to forget that I was living with a mouse – a mouse who probably had a huge family running around between our walls - a mouse who could just as easily wander up the stairs and find it’s way into my bed. But despite my worst case scenario drama I settled into my book and had an uneventful, albeit slightly disturbing, nights sleep.
I made it through the day without any mouse sightings and only a few brief remembrances of last night’s discovery. I did, however, insist that traps and poison be purchased immediately and set inconspicuously throughout our house. I sat down to write this post, contemplating my new unwelcome visitor. I paused for just a moment and went to use the bathroom.
And that is when the Great Mouse Chase began (literally, just a few moments ago).
It is late so of course I was on the lookout for the beady eyed rodent when I went to the bathroom. While I did not see the mouse I did come across some obvious mouse droppings beside the toilet. Once again, I pried Roger away from his movie to come investigate. He agreed, the small brown specks on the floor did indeed look like mouse poop. As I watched roger mull over these droppings I noticed Ariel stalking the couch in the family room. We ran to the couch with the flashlight to find the mouse pacing under the couch. This was my clue to take my perch on the bar stool and watch for the escape. Roger poked and prodded at the mouse, getting it to run behind the playhouse for a bit - only to find it back under the couch.
With all the ruckus Riley got curious and made his way downstairs and perched himself right up on the next bar stool. Hope eventually wandered down to get in on the action. Hope had no desire to join us on our perches – she wanted to be right down in the action. I was not going to let the mouse get her though (mice can be deadly, you know…) so I swooped her up to stand safely out of reach and we (mostly me) shrieked as Roger tipped over the couch to expose the intruder for our killer pets to destroy.
I’m getting new pets!!
The speedy little mouse ran circles around Ariel and Rocco despite all our cheering and pointing and prodding them on to the creature’s whereabouts. Rocco got awfully close to the mouse over by the sliding glass door but when it ran across the kitchen Rocco just continued to sniff at the door for 20 minutes without ever finding the scent again. When Ariel saw the mouse dash across the kitchen she finally decided to join the chase and eventually cornered the mouse in our pantry. That was enough for her – she sauntered off looking almost embarrassed that she let her instincts get the best of her and disgusted that she actually participated in the chase. Riley picked Ariel up (begrudgingly though – he is still scared to death of that cat) and put her directly in front of the mouse in the pantry corner. Ariel just growled at Riley and ran off determined not to assist any further in our stupid little game.
So the job was left to Roger – using a small stick he finally captured the mouse in a box. Despite my insistence that he KILL the rodent he put the box outside, opened it up for us to all get a good view at our intruder and let it go. I wish I had this on film though because I know I saw Roger jump each time the mouse moved.
Not at all pleased that the mouse was still alive, even if it was outside of my house, I cheered Rocco on in the backyard in hopes that he could catch and kill the mouse since Roger is apparently adverse to any cruel type of punishment - even for mice. But Dachshunds are just not breed to hunt mice, are they? Again, that speedy little rodent ran circles around Rocco. Even Hope realized Rocco was useless in this chase and pronounced that she had an idea. “Does Daddy have a gun? I think we should try to shoot it”. Yes, I agree with Hope - I want to see that mouse dead. Roger and Riley laughed and responded that if a gun was involved the mouse would surely escape free of harm but one of them would end up wounded.
Next time I will call in the professionals…
I’d like to say that I am breathing easier tonight after the Great Mouse Chase but I’m afraid my idea of removing a mouse from your house is only successful if that mouse leaves your house dead! Otherwise it just leaves open the possibility that the intruder could come back…
Hope's recap of the evening: "Daddy did a really good job tonight. He tried really hard to kill the mouse but he just wasn't fast enough so he had to let it go outside."
Yes, next time we will call in the professionals.
Ironically, I was on the phone last night telling Elizabeth about all the creepy creatures we’ve seen in our neighborhood lately. We had a raccoon under our deck about a month ago. I came eerily close to a skunk in our backyard a few weeks back. I’ve been smelling skunks way too often lately. And, I see way too many skunks and raccoons when I drive through our neighborhood at night. Roger even saw a coyote running down our street the other day. As I was relaying this all to Elizabeth over the phone I watched Ariel begin to stalk something under our stove. This didn’t register alarm at first because Ariel will play with wrappers or hair ties and when she sends her newfound toys flying under the stove or the fridge she will try for hours to recapture them. But this time her hair was raised and she was growling. Panic started to set in. I pried Roger away from his movie to confirm my suspicion… there was a creepy little beady eyed mouse under the stove. We have been invaded by the most disgusting, dirty, creepy little creature possible (ok, other than a rat). Ariel proved to be useless. She lost interest fairly quickly and sauntered off to resume her nap. Roger tried to capture the intruder while I stood on the kitchen chair watching for it’s escape. Unfortunately, the speedy little critter ran into a hole behind the cabinets so we reluctantly called off the hunt for the evening.
I poured myself a large glass of wine and crawled into bed to read in an attempt to forget that I was living with a mouse – a mouse who probably had a huge family running around between our walls - a mouse who could just as easily wander up the stairs and find it’s way into my bed. But despite my worst case scenario drama I settled into my book and had an uneventful, albeit slightly disturbing, nights sleep.
I made it through the day without any mouse sightings and only a few brief remembrances of last night’s discovery. I did, however, insist that traps and poison be purchased immediately and set inconspicuously throughout our house. I sat down to write this post, contemplating my new unwelcome visitor. I paused for just a moment and went to use the bathroom.
And that is when the Great Mouse Chase began (literally, just a few moments ago).
It is late so of course I was on the lookout for the beady eyed rodent when I went to the bathroom. While I did not see the mouse I did come across some obvious mouse droppings beside the toilet. Once again, I pried Roger away from his movie to come investigate. He agreed, the small brown specks on the floor did indeed look like mouse poop. As I watched roger mull over these droppings I noticed Ariel stalking the couch in the family room. We ran to the couch with the flashlight to find the mouse pacing under the couch. This was my clue to take my perch on the bar stool and watch for the escape. Roger poked and prodded at the mouse, getting it to run behind the playhouse for a bit - only to find it back under the couch.
With all the ruckus Riley got curious and made his way downstairs and perched himself right up on the next bar stool. Hope eventually wandered down to get in on the action. Hope had no desire to join us on our perches – she wanted to be right down in the action. I was not going to let the mouse get her though (mice can be deadly, you know…) so I swooped her up to stand safely out of reach and we (mostly me) shrieked as Roger tipped over the couch to expose the intruder for our killer pets to destroy.
I’m getting new pets!!
The speedy little mouse ran circles around Ariel and Rocco despite all our cheering and pointing and prodding them on to the creature’s whereabouts. Rocco got awfully close to the mouse over by the sliding glass door but when it ran across the kitchen Rocco just continued to sniff at the door for 20 minutes without ever finding the scent again. When Ariel saw the mouse dash across the kitchen she finally decided to join the chase and eventually cornered the mouse in our pantry. That was enough for her – she sauntered off looking almost embarrassed that she let her instincts get the best of her and disgusted that she actually participated in the chase. Riley picked Ariel up (begrudgingly though – he is still scared to death of that cat) and put her directly in front of the mouse in the pantry corner. Ariel just growled at Riley and ran off determined not to assist any further in our stupid little game.
So the job was left to Roger – using a small stick he finally captured the mouse in a box. Despite my insistence that he KILL the rodent he put the box outside, opened it up for us to all get a good view at our intruder and let it go. I wish I had this on film though because I know I saw Roger jump each time the mouse moved.
Not at all pleased that the mouse was still alive, even if it was outside of my house, I cheered Rocco on in the backyard in hopes that he could catch and kill the mouse since Roger is apparently adverse to any cruel type of punishment - even for mice. But Dachshunds are just not breed to hunt mice, are they? Again, that speedy little rodent ran circles around Rocco. Even Hope realized Rocco was useless in this chase and pronounced that she had an idea. “Does Daddy have a gun? I think we should try to shoot it”. Yes, I agree with Hope - I want to see that mouse dead. Roger and Riley laughed and responded that if a gun was involved the mouse would surely escape free of harm but one of them would end up wounded.
Next time I will call in the professionals…
I’d like to say that I am breathing easier tonight after the Great Mouse Chase but I’m afraid my idea of removing a mouse from your house is only successful if that mouse leaves your house dead! Otherwise it just leaves open the possibility that the intruder could come back…
Hope's recap of the evening: "Daddy did a really good job tonight. He tried really hard to kill the mouse but he just wasn't fast enough so he had to let it go outside."
Yes, next time we will call in the professionals.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Super Crab
That’s what I’ve been lately… just plain crabby. Roger would probably prefer to use the term bitchy and the kids would call me crazy but I’ve been crabby.
On Monday (which was supposed to be a fabulous special day off of work mind you), I finally got little Nico (who so happens to be going through a cranky, whiney, super demanding phase himself) down for a nap. I was ready to give Nico a nap about 10 minutes after he woke up but I refrained (barely) until the afternoon in hopes of prolonging his hours of peaceful sleep and thus extending my quiet time where I could wallow in my mood.
I nestled into bed hoping that a little snooze would give me a desperately needed attitude adjustment. Instead of resting though, my blood pressure only began to rise with each passing moment that I stayed in bed. I could hear Riley and Hope screaming downstairs and 1) it’s impossible to sleep through that and 2) I was panicked that they would wake up Super Crab (little Super Crab that is, big Super Crab was already awake stewing).
So, I stomped down the stairs and threatened Riley and Hope with their lives (I’m pretty sure a few choice words slipped out in the threats). As I marched back up the stairs still in search of that attitude adjustment I heard Hope exclaim (in total valley girl style): “Oh My God! What in the world do you think has gotten into her? She is like… CRAZY!” To which I responded by peering over the railing with my fiercest expression and roared like a crazy lion. She ran off screaming with terror in her eyes. Ok, I realize that was a little crazy but I am crabby!
And when Roger tried to take a nap with me I fiercely bit his head off threatening him with all sorts of crazy bullying. I just oh so desperately needed that darn nap…
Unfortunately, the nap did nothing for my attitude adjustment and Super Crab continued to haunt me until today. I screamed at Hope tonight for something fairly ridiculous (although at the time I thought it was a perfectly rational reaction). As Riley sat staring at me like I was a crazed beast and Hope sobbed from her long winded lecture reality hit me and I knew I had to make a choice – a choice to be happy. My bad attitude was affecting my family and that is simply where I have to draw the line. Just know my dearly beloveds - even when I am crabby I love you all more than anything in this world.
I can only allow Super Crab to surface every so often and after a couple days wallowing in my pity party I simply have to move on. Move on to where the grass is greener and the smiles and good times flow more naturally. Move on to the side of blissfulness. I have made the conscious decision to suppress Super Crab way far down inside of me. I will just have to adjust that bad attitude myself. No more Super Crab…
At least for now…
I hope you all don’t read this post for a few days just in case Super Crab isn’t quite ready to be contained behind my happiness just yet :)
On Monday (which was supposed to be a fabulous special day off of work mind you), I finally got little Nico (who so happens to be going through a cranky, whiney, super demanding phase himself) down for a nap. I was ready to give Nico a nap about 10 minutes after he woke up but I refrained (barely) until the afternoon in hopes of prolonging his hours of peaceful sleep and thus extending my quiet time where I could wallow in my mood.
I nestled into bed hoping that a little snooze would give me a desperately needed attitude adjustment. Instead of resting though, my blood pressure only began to rise with each passing moment that I stayed in bed. I could hear Riley and Hope screaming downstairs and 1) it’s impossible to sleep through that and 2) I was panicked that they would wake up Super Crab (little Super Crab that is, big Super Crab was already awake stewing).
So, I stomped down the stairs and threatened Riley and Hope with their lives (I’m pretty sure a few choice words slipped out in the threats). As I marched back up the stairs still in search of that attitude adjustment I heard Hope exclaim (in total valley girl style): “Oh My God! What in the world do you think has gotten into her? She is like… CRAZY!” To which I responded by peering over the railing with my fiercest expression and roared like a crazy lion. She ran off screaming with terror in her eyes. Ok, I realize that was a little crazy but I am crabby!
And when Roger tried to take a nap with me I fiercely bit his head off threatening him with all sorts of crazy bullying. I just oh so desperately needed that darn nap…
Unfortunately, the nap did nothing for my attitude adjustment and Super Crab continued to haunt me until today. I screamed at Hope tonight for something fairly ridiculous (although at the time I thought it was a perfectly rational reaction). As Riley sat staring at me like I was a crazed beast and Hope sobbed from her long winded lecture reality hit me and I knew I had to make a choice – a choice to be happy. My bad attitude was affecting my family and that is simply where I have to draw the line. Just know my dearly beloveds - even when I am crabby I love you all more than anything in this world.
I can only allow Super Crab to surface every so often and after a couple days wallowing in my pity party I simply have to move on. Move on to where the grass is greener and the smiles and good times flow more naturally. Move on to the side of blissfulness. I have made the conscious decision to suppress Super Crab way far down inside of me. I will just have to adjust that bad attitude myself. No more Super Crab…
At least for now…
I hope you all don’t read this post for a few days just in case Super Crab isn’t quite ready to be contained behind my happiness just yet :)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Who doesn't have a blog??
Who doesn't have a blog these days? Well, I can think of a few people... Janet, Barb, Mom & Dad, Heather...
I LOVE blogging and I want you all to share in my joy. And I'm not talking about sharing the joy of MY blog because I now know that you all read it and LOVE it (or hate it, but I know you all still read it)! So when are you all going to get your own blogs so I can start following your crazy lives??? I read Sarah's blog every day and I get really mad at her when she doesn't blog for an entire week. I mean, If I can find the time to blog with the Gronke clan constantly tugging on me for something then you all can find the time to share your lives with me - the good, the bad, the ugly - it's all about documenting the memory, right? What better time to start than NOW?
Barb tells me she'll start a blog when we can think of a good title for her blog. I suggested www.raisingrenker.blogspot.com but that obviously isn't cutting it or she'd have a blog - so help me out and suggest some titles so she can get off that couch and get to work on her blog.
What's every one else's excuse?
I LOVE blogging and I want you all to share in my joy. And I'm not talking about sharing the joy of MY blog because I now know that you all read it and LOVE it (or hate it, but I know you all still read it)! So when are you all going to get your own blogs so I can start following your crazy lives??? I read Sarah's blog every day and I get really mad at her when she doesn't blog for an entire week. I mean, If I can find the time to blog with the Gronke clan constantly tugging on me for something then you all can find the time to share your lives with me - the good, the bad, the ugly - it's all about documenting the memory, right? What better time to start than NOW?
Barb tells me she'll start a blog when we can think of a good title for her blog. I suggested www.raisingrenker.blogspot.com but that obviously isn't cutting it or she'd have a blog - so help me out and suggest some titles so she can get off that couch and get to work on her blog.
What's every one else's excuse?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Auntie Sarah is RICH!!!!!!!!!!
From the day Hope was born Mom & Dad kept telling us how much Hope reminded them of Sarah. The older she gets the more like Sarah she becomes. I accept her personality with a little bit of fear (I mean after all, Sarah is very opinionated…and I see a bit too much of that in Hope) but mostly I am happy to know I have a daughter that is confident, bright, witty and very giving --just like Sarah).
Their similarities were blatantly obvious the day Hope crossed her eyes and Sarah high fived her and crossed her own eyes while announcing that Hope was a girl after her own heart! I absolutely hate it when Hope crosses her eyes – it freaks me out! What if they got stuck like that? Only Sarah would think something like that rocks. Two peas in a pod!! I now know where Hope gets her spunk…
So it came as no surprise when Sarah offered to take Hope for an afternoon of shopping and a play date with Ruby while I was lost in a far away land witnessing the miraculous birth of Sophie Elizabeth (have I told you how thankful I am to have such wonderful friends who are delighted to share their most cherished memories with me??).
Sarah always steps up to volunteer when I need her the most – she even volunteers well before I ask! So this one Saturday Sarah graciously make the trek to our house at 7:30 a.m. to take Riley to his basketball game (ok, there was some minor grumbling which is very well justified considering the obnoxiously early hour of the day). After two middle school basketball games and an early morning trip to Taco Bell (who can eat Taco Bell at 10:00 a.m.?) she offered to take Hope for the afternoon to free up Roger for an afternoon with only little Nico - which, some of you might think would be relaxing to have Hope gone but that little boy can match his sister’s spunk any given day! But I digress…
Sarah took Hope shopping and promised to buy her nearly anything she wanted. Hope, of course, picked out a tiara, red sparkling bracelets and a marble. Then it was off to an afternoon with Ruby and Trey. Poor Sarah was exhausted when I arrived that evening but she put on her party hat, poured me a glass of wine and sat back to listen to my tale of Sophie’s birth… for two hours she listened and marveled at good friends and fantastic memories with me.
But back to Hope… Upon my arrival back home that night Hope proclaimed that Auntie Sarah was rich! Auntie Sarah spent 6 whole dollars on her. She followed up her proclamation with “you can’t spend that kind of money on me because you don’t have enough money…” I proudly reaffirmed Hope’s thought process on my lack of funds in hopes of never having another meltdown in a store when I refused to buy her yet another party dress! I know… I’m fooling myself. Hope’s newfound knowledge into my finances (or lack thereof) will not derail her desire to own every single pretty dress in the US.
Regardless, Hope continues to think that Auntie Sarah is loaded. Every day when she puts on her bracelets she tells us (and anyone else who will listen) that her Auntie Sarah who is rich bought them for her. And I continue to remind Hope that I don’t have 6 dollars to spend like that so she’s very lucky to have a very rich Auntie.
Truth be told… I think Auntie Sarah is rich too. She is richly blessed with the desire to be the best Auntie possible and she always so willingly volunteers help me out in a pinch and take our audacious Hope for a fun filled afternoon – creating a memory that I trust Hope will remember for a long time to come. And I wish for Hope to learn the valuable lesson of giving from her Auntie Sarah so they can continue to be two peas in a pod.
Their similarities were blatantly obvious the day Hope crossed her eyes and Sarah high fived her and crossed her own eyes while announcing that Hope was a girl after her own heart! I absolutely hate it when Hope crosses her eyes – it freaks me out! What if they got stuck like that? Only Sarah would think something like that rocks. Two peas in a pod!! I now know where Hope gets her spunk…
So it came as no surprise when Sarah offered to take Hope for an afternoon of shopping and a play date with Ruby while I was lost in a far away land witnessing the miraculous birth of Sophie Elizabeth (have I told you how thankful I am to have such wonderful friends who are delighted to share their most cherished memories with me??).
Sarah always steps up to volunteer when I need her the most – she even volunteers well before I ask! So this one Saturday Sarah graciously make the trek to our house at 7:30 a.m. to take Riley to his basketball game (ok, there was some minor grumbling which is very well justified considering the obnoxiously early hour of the day). After two middle school basketball games and an early morning trip to Taco Bell (who can eat Taco Bell at 10:00 a.m.?) she offered to take Hope for the afternoon to free up Roger for an afternoon with only little Nico - which, some of you might think would be relaxing to have Hope gone but that little boy can match his sister’s spunk any given day! But I digress…
Sarah took Hope shopping and promised to buy her nearly anything she wanted. Hope, of course, picked out a tiara, red sparkling bracelets and a marble. Then it was off to an afternoon with Ruby and Trey. Poor Sarah was exhausted when I arrived that evening but she put on her party hat, poured me a glass of wine and sat back to listen to my tale of Sophie’s birth… for two hours she listened and marveled at good friends and fantastic memories with me.
But back to Hope… Upon my arrival back home that night Hope proclaimed that Auntie Sarah was rich! Auntie Sarah spent 6 whole dollars on her. She followed up her proclamation with “you can’t spend that kind of money on me because you don’t have enough money…” I proudly reaffirmed Hope’s thought process on my lack of funds in hopes of never having another meltdown in a store when I refused to buy her yet another party dress! I know… I’m fooling myself. Hope’s newfound knowledge into my finances (or lack thereof) will not derail her desire to own every single pretty dress in the US.
Regardless, Hope continues to think that Auntie Sarah is loaded. Every day when she puts on her bracelets she tells us (and anyone else who will listen) that her Auntie Sarah who is rich bought them for her. And I continue to remind Hope that I don’t have 6 dollars to spend like that so she’s very lucky to have a very rich Auntie.
Truth be told… I think Auntie Sarah is rich too. She is richly blessed with the desire to be the best Auntie possible and she always so willingly volunteers help me out in a pinch and take our audacious Hope for a fun filled afternoon – creating a memory that I trust Hope will remember for a long time to come. And I wish for Hope to learn the valuable lesson of giving from her Auntie Sarah so they can continue to be two peas in a pod.
The Best Surprises Come in a Little Blue Box
How did you spend your Valentine's Day?
I woke up to the usual chaos of Saturday mornings at the Gronke household. Riley was off to basketball by 8:15 a.m. Seriously, who can play (much less watch) basketball that EARLY on a Saturday?? Then I was off to drop off Hope at dance and dash to Fred Meyer (well, as quickly as you can dash anywhere with a 19 month old) to pick up a couple of Valentine balloons to complete the party. And then, another basketball game! After all that I spent the afternoon in cleaning frenzy. Yes, I do have a housekeeper but... I just don't understand how my house can get SO messy after only a few days. Unfortunately my housekeeper cannot come every day. And, just as much as I hate cleaning I love a clean and organized house, and so the chore naturally falls upon my shoulders - as the rest of the Gronke clan's idea of a clean organized house does not even come close to my definition of clean!
Finally, with a clean house and happy, fed children our beloved Carrie arrived to celebrate Valentine's Day with the children and allow the adult festivities to begin. And so we were off to have dinner and drinks, uninterrupted conversation, and even sneak in a movie!! Thank God for Carrie!!!
And just when I thought the evening couldn't get any better Roger completely surprised me a little blue box… from Tiffany’s!!! Inside was a beautiful ring that I fell in love with on our last shopping trip. I love the gorgious ring! I love this Valentine’s Day! And, I LOVE my charming husband! I will remember how special Roger made me feel forever!
I love so many things about Roger but I have to say that his appreciation and love for me is among my very favorite qualities – especially when he expresses his love with a little blue box.
I woke up to the usual chaos of Saturday mornings at the Gronke household. Riley was off to basketball by 8:15 a.m. Seriously, who can play (much less watch) basketball that EARLY on a Saturday?? Then I was off to drop off Hope at dance and dash to Fred Meyer (well, as quickly as you can dash anywhere with a 19 month old) to pick up a couple of Valentine balloons to complete the party. And then, another basketball game! After all that I spent the afternoon in cleaning frenzy. Yes, I do have a housekeeper but... I just don't understand how my house can get SO messy after only a few days. Unfortunately my housekeeper cannot come every day. And, just as much as I hate cleaning I love a clean and organized house, and so the chore naturally falls upon my shoulders - as the rest of the Gronke clan's idea of a clean organized house does not even come close to my definition of clean!
Finally, with a clean house and happy, fed children our beloved Carrie arrived to celebrate Valentine's Day with the children and allow the adult festivities to begin. And so we were off to have dinner and drinks, uninterrupted conversation, and even sneak in a movie!! Thank God for Carrie!!!
And just when I thought the evening couldn't get any better Roger completely surprised me a little blue box… from Tiffany’s!!! Inside was a beautiful ring that I fell in love with on our last shopping trip. I love the gorgious ring! I love this Valentine’s Day! And, I LOVE my charming husband! I will remember how special Roger made me feel forever!
I love so many things about Roger but I have to say that his appreciation and love for me is among my very favorite qualities – especially when he expresses his love with a little blue box.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Pictures as Promised
Here are just a few much anticipated pictures of beautiful Sophie Elizabeth...

To view more click on this link: http://midnightmarvel.shutterfly.com/
Valentine Preparations...
Little Nico has no idea that Valentine’s Day is in two short days. So he got a quick bath (well, it was supposed to be a quick bath but he pooped in the tub, then pooped on the floor while I was cleaning out the tub, then pooped again in the tub when he got back in – this is fairly typical for Nico so we call him our little crapper!) and then it was off to bed for baby so the rest of us could initiate our last minute Valentine preparations ensuring this special day would be superb.
Hope spent the evening preparing her Valentine cards for her friends and teachers at school. She has some fabulous Bratz Valentines, which are totally irresistible but completely inappropriate for 4 year old girls, as each Brat comes decked out in heavy makeup with a curvaceous body and a tight dress, complete with a teenage attitude and flirtatious poses. These Valentines were totally enticing for Hope with their sparkly lips, glitter tattoos, and hip Valentine messages – so what’s a Mom to do? Buy them for her, of course!
While Roger carefully wrote the name of each classmate on individual cards Hope impatiently corrected his pronunciation of each friend’s name – you see, nearly half of Hope’s class has Indian names and the other half have names you simply cannot phonetically pronounce. For the next two hours Hope signed her name and meticulously placed a pink heart sticker on each card – with breaks every other card to indulge in a mini box of nerds with Brother Riley. Those nerds were supposed to be included in each Valentine! Candy is another one of those irresistible delectables when you are a child.
I confirmed the babysitter for Saturday night. Roger was tasked with selecting the restaurant where we could have our romantic Valentine dinner. He apparently needed a beer to spark his creativity and now as he sleeps on the couch I will just assume he is dreaming about the choice and will have a suggestion in the morning.
With the Valentine cards finally complete and safely tucked away in a bag by the door (so we don’t forget them – although I will still probably walk out without them tomorrow) Riley and I hopped in the car and made the trek to the store to acquire a Valentine present for his girlfriend. I suggested the mall. You know, a “nice” piece of jewelry – a necklace or bracelet – for his girlfriend. Roger suggested Walgreens…. Hmmm… I am very concerned about his suggestion. How tacky!!!
But despite my classy influence Riley opted for Walgreens. As it turns out I am completely out of touch with teenagers – I’m OLD. As we entered Walgreen’s I was momentarily confused… had we just entered a store or had I walked into a middle school party?? Riley knew nearly everyone there! Apparently, Walgreens is the place to go when you’re on the hunt for a cheap teddy bear on a 14 year old budget. But Riley not only picked up a cute little Teddy Bear and a candy bar for his girlfriend he also selected a princess tin and bag of Hershey kisses for his little sis. He wins BIG brownie points for that one! To show my appreciation I sprang for the 2$ gift bag glittered with Valentine hearts to hold the gift for Molly. If I can’t get Riley to buy his girlfriend jewelry I can at least show him the need to make the gift more presentable. He sweetly thanked me three times!
And then, on our way home, just to top off the evening and really set the Valentine mood Riley and I sang a duet to “It’s a Love Story”. “Romeo save me… I’ve been feeling so alone…” Aaahhh, those memories I LOVE.
I’m such a COOL mom! And tonight, even Riley thinks so!
Hope spent the evening preparing her Valentine cards for her friends and teachers at school. She has some fabulous Bratz Valentines, which are totally irresistible but completely inappropriate for 4 year old girls, as each Brat comes decked out in heavy makeup with a curvaceous body and a tight dress, complete with a teenage attitude and flirtatious poses. These Valentines were totally enticing for Hope with their sparkly lips, glitter tattoos, and hip Valentine messages – so what’s a Mom to do? Buy them for her, of course!
While Roger carefully wrote the name of each classmate on individual cards Hope impatiently corrected his pronunciation of each friend’s name – you see, nearly half of Hope’s class has Indian names and the other half have names you simply cannot phonetically pronounce. For the next two hours Hope signed her name and meticulously placed a pink heart sticker on each card – with breaks every other card to indulge in a mini box of nerds with Brother Riley. Those nerds were supposed to be included in each Valentine! Candy is another one of those irresistible delectables when you are a child.
I confirmed the babysitter for Saturday night. Roger was tasked with selecting the restaurant where we could have our romantic Valentine dinner. He apparently needed a beer to spark his creativity and now as he sleeps on the couch I will just assume he is dreaming about the choice and will have a suggestion in the morning.
With the Valentine cards finally complete and safely tucked away in a bag by the door (so we don’t forget them – although I will still probably walk out without them tomorrow) Riley and I hopped in the car and made the trek to the store to acquire a Valentine present for his girlfriend. I suggested the mall. You know, a “nice” piece of jewelry – a necklace or bracelet – for his girlfriend. Roger suggested Walgreens…. Hmmm… I am very concerned about his suggestion. How tacky!!!
But despite my classy influence Riley opted for Walgreens. As it turns out I am completely out of touch with teenagers – I’m OLD. As we entered Walgreen’s I was momentarily confused… had we just entered a store or had I walked into a middle school party?? Riley knew nearly everyone there! Apparently, Walgreens is the place to go when you’re on the hunt for a cheap teddy bear on a 14 year old budget. But Riley not only picked up a cute little Teddy Bear and a candy bar for his girlfriend he also selected a princess tin and bag of Hershey kisses for his little sis. He wins BIG brownie points for that one! To show my appreciation I sprang for the 2$ gift bag glittered with Valentine hearts to hold the gift for Molly. If I can’t get Riley to buy his girlfriend jewelry I can at least show him the need to make the gift more presentable. He sweetly thanked me three times!
And then, on our way home, just to top off the evening and really set the Valentine mood Riley and I sang a duet to “It’s a Love Story”. “Romeo save me… I’ve been feeling so alone…” Aaahhh, those memories I LOVE.
I’m such a COOL mom! And tonight, even Riley thinks so!
Monday, February 9, 2009
The Adventure of Sophie’s Birth
Heather was scheduled to be induced at 7 p.m. Thursday night but instead Heather had a rude awakening in the wee hours of Thursday morning. The flu had invaded and Heather was horribly sick. I had just had a long phone conversation with Heather only a few hours earlier, speculating on the baby’s sex, mentally preparing her for the induction ahead and assuring her of my plans to arrive and offer support during labor. Unfortunately, Heather made her way in to the hospital early Thursday unsure of anything… Why was she so sick? Was the baby in danger? Would they still induce? Would I make it there in time? I boarded my flight unsure of what was to come. But Baby Sophie waited patiently for my arrival.
When I arrived at the hospital I was overjoyed to find that I hadn’t missed a thing… well, except for a lot of vomiting and diarrhea. They had just started the induction and Heather’s contraction shortly kicked in. With her nausea and diarrhea none of us were sure what to expect but once the epidural took hold she was able to rest comfortably for a few hours while we reminisced and again, speculated on the baby’s sex. We overwhelmingly defaulted to a girl. The heart rate was high. Heather had been miserable throughout this pregnancy with only those nuisances a girl could deliver.
We were expecting several hours before the baby would make its arrival so I stepped out to call Roger and Riley to discuss his electives for high school. Riley’s high school forecast sheet was due and we simply had to decide between Spanish and German and sequential math vs. interactive math. My phone kept beeping but I ignored the rings – I was just in the hall and Doug would come get me if anything happened, right? Wrong! I finally checked my texts and Doug was telling me to come now. I abruptly ended the phone call leaving Riley’s high school future in Roger’s hands and ran back to the room to find the NICU team monitoring the baby. Heather had started bleeding. The NICU team slowly left, ultimately deciding that the baby was not in distress. She would be able to continue laboring on her own. The nurse quickly checked Heather and announced she could begin pushing very soon. The doctor was called, the room was put in order and the next thing we knew we were cheering Heather on as she pushed. Doug and I held her legs. He looked sincerely into her eyes encouraging her to breathe and push. I rubbed her legs and provided the humor, making fun of her splotchy shaven legs. Heather worried about having diarrhea and we all laughed. I cheered each time I spotted the baby’s head. And before we knew it Baby Sophie had arrived. I screamed “It’s a GIRL!!!” when she finally made her entrance. I think I screamed it about 5 times.
The NICU team whisked Baby Sophie away to the baby station to suction out the blood that had so suddenly appeared earlier. We all (except for the doctor) immediately abandoned Heather to go watch the baby be suctioned and cleaned up and snap her first few photos. I made my way back to Heather in time to help deliver the placenta. The doctor even let me touch it and play with it. He showed me the clot that had separated causing the bleeding. I told him how amazing I thought the placenta was. He responded by saying he didn’t really like placentas. They were hot and smelly… I guess when you see that many placentas they must lose their appeal and the amazement at the role they play in the miracle of birth.
And Heather was on cloud 9! She finally felt good. She was elated to have both a boy and a girl. She got used to the idea of saying “her” and we teased her about having a “daughter”. We speculated on what Mason would think of having a sister. We fantasized about the day Heather could go get a pedicure with her daughter. I promised to make a trip to Target as soon as they opened to go by her something pink. And we were all mesmerized by how beautiful she was.
I too was captivated by the birth I had just witnessed and the beautiful baby in my arms - I had a few lapses in judgment that were unfortunately captured on film. I vaguely recall waving in the camera announcing that I wanted to have another baby! Later, after coming back down to reality I begged Doug to capture my recantation on film – to no avail! So hear me now – I am very, very happy and blessed to have three of the most wonderful and beautiful children in the world. I do NOT want to be pregnant EVER again… I was just missing my babies but a day in my life quickly reminds me that I am fulfilled. I spent a great deal of time this weekend reminiscing about how special and unique each of my baby's birthdays were - I am content and complete with those magnificent memories.
Hours later when we all settled in the room to get some sleep Heather and I cuddled up on the double bed, occasionally with the baby joining us. Doug so sweetly offered to sleep on the sofa. And we all quickly drifted off to dreamland filled with babies and pink bows and fancy dresses. But dreamland was rudely interrupted with a “Code Red” that was repeatedly announced over the intercom and awakened us all with a jolt. Sheer exhaustion prevented any of us from actually getting up to check on the fuss but we all knew that when Code Red is repeatedly announced over the loud speaker at 4 and 5 am it cannot be a good sign. In the morning after a mere 3 hours of sleep we heard that Code Red means Fire… really, could there have been about 8 fires last night? No, just a drill. Of course they have the fire drills on the one night we stay in the hospital!
The rest of the weekend flew by. We spent a good portion of the time debating on Sophie’s name. We introduced Sophie to her new home and then, before I knew it, I was heading back to the airport to rejoin my own family. I missed them all tremendously and wished they could have all experienced the miracle of Sophie’s birth with me (although I know none of them had any desire to experience it – they’re just fine with the stories). But something as amazing as childbirth always makes me want to share the sheer elation of it all. Again, I am thankful for such great friends and family who have opted to share their experiences with me and for those who have so willingly participated in my own children’s births.
Heather was there for the birth of my first baby and I was there for perhaps her last baby – what marvelous memories!
When I arrived at the hospital I was overjoyed to find that I hadn’t missed a thing… well, except for a lot of vomiting and diarrhea. They had just started the induction and Heather’s contraction shortly kicked in. With her nausea and diarrhea none of us were sure what to expect but once the epidural took hold she was able to rest comfortably for a few hours while we reminisced and again, speculated on the baby’s sex. We overwhelmingly defaulted to a girl. The heart rate was high. Heather had been miserable throughout this pregnancy with only those nuisances a girl could deliver.
We were expecting several hours before the baby would make its arrival so I stepped out to call Roger and Riley to discuss his electives for high school. Riley’s high school forecast sheet was due and we simply had to decide between Spanish and German and sequential math vs. interactive math. My phone kept beeping but I ignored the rings – I was just in the hall and Doug would come get me if anything happened, right? Wrong! I finally checked my texts and Doug was telling me to come now. I abruptly ended the phone call leaving Riley’s high school future in Roger’s hands and ran back to the room to find the NICU team monitoring the baby. Heather had started bleeding. The NICU team slowly left, ultimately deciding that the baby was not in distress. She would be able to continue laboring on her own. The nurse quickly checked Heather and announced she could begin pushing very soon. The doctor was called, the room was put in order and the next thing we knew we were cheering Heather on as she pushed. Doug and I held her legs. He looked sincerely into her eyes encouraging her to breathe and push. I rubbed her legs and provided the humor, making fun of her splotchy shaven legs. Heather worried about having diarrhea and we all laughed. I cheered each time I spotted the baby’s head. And before we knew it Baby Sophie had arrived. I screamed “It’s a GIRL!!!” when she finally made her entrance. I think I screamed it about 5 times.
The NICU team whisked Baby Sophie away to the baby station to suction out the blood that had so suddenly appeared earlier. We all (except for the doctor) immediately abandoned Heather to go watch the baby be suctioned and cleaned up and snap her first few photos. I made my way back to Heather in time to help deliver the placenta. The doctor even let me touch it and play with it. He showed me the clot that had separated causing the bleeding. I told him how amazing I thought the placenta was. He responded by saying he didn’t really like placentas. They were hot and smelly… I guess when you see that many placentas they must lose their appeal and the amazement at the role they play in the miracle of birth.
And Heather was on cloud 9! She finally felt good. She was elated to have both a boy and a girl. She got used to the idea of saying “her” and we teased her about having a “daughter”. We speculated on what Mason would think of having a sister. We fantasized about the day Heather could go get a pedicure with her daughter. I promised to make a trip to Target as soon as they opened to go by her something pink. And we were all mesmerized by how beautiful she was.
I too was captivated by the birth I had just witnessed and the beautiful baby in my arms - I had a few lapses in judgment that were unfortunately captured on film. I vaguely recall waving in the camera announcing that I wanted to have another baby! Later, after coming back down to reality I begged Doug to capture my recantation on film – to no avail! So hear me now – I am very, very happy and blessed to have three of the most wonderful and beautiful children in the world. I do NOT want to be pregnant EVER again… I was just missing my babies but a day in my life quickly reminds me that I am fulfilled. I spent a great deal of time this weekend reminiscing about how special and unique each of my baby's birthdays were - I am content and complete with those magnificent memories.
Hours later when we all settled in the room to get some sleep Heather and I cuddled up on the double bed, occasionally with the baby joining us. Doug so sweetly offered to sleep on the sofa. And we all quickly drifted off to dreamland filled with babies and pink bows and fancy dresses. But dreamland was rudely interrupted with a “Code Red” that was repeatedly announced over the intercom and awakened us all with a jolt. Sheer exhaustion prevented any of us from actually getting up to check on the fuss but we all knew that when Code Red is repeatedly announced over the loud speaker at 4 and 5 am it cannot be a good sign. In the morning after a mere 3 hours of sleep we heard that Code Red means Fire… really, could there have been about 8 fires last night? No, just a drill. Of course they have the fire drills on the one night we stay in the hospital!
The rest of the weekend flew by. We spent a good portion of the time debating on Sophie’s name. We introduced Sophie to her new home and then, before I knew it, I was heading back to the airport to rejoin my own family. I missed them all tremendously and wished they could have all experienced the miracle of Sophie’s birth with me (although I know none of them had any desire to experience it – they’re just fine with the stories). But something as amazing as childbirth always makes me want to share the sheer elation of it all. Again, I am thankful for such great friends and family who have opted to share their experiences with me and for those who have so willingly participated in my own children’s births.
Heather was there for the birth of my first baby and I was there for perhaps her last baby – what marvelous memories!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Welcome Baby Sukigara
It's a GIRL!!!
Sophie Elizabeth Ai Sukigara was born at 11:24 p.m. on 2/5/09. 6lbs 6oz and 19.5 in long.
Wow!! What an amazing experience - almost surreal...
Sophie is absolutely gorgeous and perfect!! All the details and PICTURES to follow very soon... I'm at the airport heading home from this miraculous weekend.
Sophie Elizabeth Ai Sukigara was born at 11:24 p.m. on 2/5/09. 6lbs 6oz and 19.5 in long.
Wow!! What an amazing experience - almost surreal...
Sophie is absolutely gorgeous and perfect!! All the details and PICTURES to follow very soon... I'm at the airport heading home from this miraculous weekend.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Change of Plans
After my near mental breakdown this morning as I made the overwhelming preparations to leave the family for a few days I finally settled into my seat at the airport bar with nothing but full fledged anticipation of Baby Sukigara’s arrival on my mind. I ordered a drink and settled in to call Heather confirming my on time arrival.
My relaxation was short lived when Doug answered the phone. They were already at the hospital. Heather awoke with flu like symptoms – very sick, so they made their way into the hospital in the early hours of the morning. Heather is very sick and dehydrated. The baby could come any time now. I am worried sick about Heather. How awful to be in labor with vomiting and diarrhea. I am selfishly worried that I won’t make it there in time to witness Baby Suki make his/her entrance. I am concerned for the baby - is it harmful for the Baby if Heather is sick? I am suddenly anxious about flying.
I rush to my gate to embark on whatever the day has in store… alas, I am in FIRST CLASS… I believe all will be ok! This means free drinks, free hot lunch, warm cookies and an overall super fun, super cool experience! Oh what a difference first class can make! Baby Sukigara, please, please wait for me!
My relaxation was short lived when Doug answered the phone. They were already at the hospital. Heather awoke with flu like symptoms – very sick, so they made their way into the hospital in the early hours of the morning. Heather is very sick and dehydrated. The baby could come any time now. I am worried sick about Heather. How awful to be in labor with vomiting and diarrhea. I am selfishly worried that I won’t make it there in time to witness Baby Suki make his/her entrance. I am concerned for the baby - is it harmful for the Baby if Heather is sick? I am suddenly anxious about flying.
I rush to my gate to embark on whatever the day has in store… alas, I am in FIRST CLASS… I believe all will be ok! This means free drinks, free hot lunch, warm cookies and an overall super fun, super cool experience! Oh what a difference first class can make! Baby Sukigara, please, please wait for me!
As I walk out the door…
I am leaving today on a very high adrenaline rush… bursting with excitement but shadowed with a hint of hesitation.
I am off to be one of the lucky few who will welcome Baby Sukigara into this world – something I have dreamed about for months. A last minute flight coupled with the chaotic preparations for my departure made for a very hectic evening and an almost tearful morning. I am not one to easily pick up and go. I love to be spontaneous and I’m always up for a trip anywhere but the tasks required to prepare for my time away nearly always sends me into a panic attack… especially when I am leaving my family, my babies behind. I mean isn’t my family entirely dependant upon me to survive? As I go through the weekend, minute by minute, I begin to panic…
Did I confirm the babysitter? Did I leave Roger our babysitter’s number? What if she doesn’t show up on time? That means Riley will miss his high school orientation – I am now convinced that Riley’s high school years will be destined for failure if they don’t go to orientation.
Ah, but then I recall – Riley doesn’t even want to go to orientation so worst case scenario – he gets his wishes and his high school career starts out with a bit of confusion but an overall happy outlook because we didn’t force him to go to orientation.
I spend a few blissful moments dreaming about Baby Sukigara and then…
Hmmm, do I believe that Riley really got a ride to and from BBall practice on Friday? If he doesn’t have a ride home then he’ll sit at the school all by himself at 9:45 at night and he could be kidnapped and Roger can’t leave to pick him up because the little kids are in bed and oh… ok, worst case scenario he walks home. It’s only a mile. And really, his coach is not going to leave him without a ride. Ok, and honestly I heard him confirm his ride so what am I worrying about?
And just when I think the bloody mary is kicking in and I’m starting to lose the edginess – relaxation is on the horizon…
Uh oh, I just remembered that Roger will have to put Hope’s hair up for ballet on Saturday… well this ought to be interesting! Unfortunately, I have the camera with me. Hope will probably have short hair when I get home and she’ll need therapy for years…
Regardless, I am walking out the door... And as I walk out the door I am overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude.
I just love Heather and Doug and I am so grateful for our friendship and their willingness and eagerness to share the miracle of their baby with me. A testament to our friendship and everlasting bond. I’ve been the lucky enough to witness so many special births now and these are the memories that I cherish more than most. I am lucky… and thankful…
Thankful that I share the birth of Riley with Mom and Heather (and yes, even Grandma June). Thankful that Sarah and Elizabeth made it (albeit just in time) for Hope’s arrival.
Thankful that Sarah and Janet were there for the birth of baby Nico.
Thankful, of course, for Roger who was always by my side.
A little sad that Mom tried so hard to be there for Hope and Nico but just couldn’t make it in the end… but very thankful for her determination – my children just don’t have a history of being very cooperative when it comes to birthdays :)
I am thankful for all those dearest of friends and family who shared their special birthdays with me and I am thankful for yet another opportunity to make a very special memory with Baby Sukigara.
I am thankful for Carrie and Sarah for all their support with the Gronke clan their crazy schedule this weekend.
I am so grateful and enamored with Roger who repeatedly encouraged me to take advantage of this opportunity and who graciously ensured this adventure became a reality. I probably should be worried because he keeps telling the kids that when Mommy’s away he’ll be making some changes for the better. But these changes involve hot pockets for dinner and a weekend of movies and napping so I am at ease – they all will thoroughly enjoy their own little vacation. They’ll be just fine without me as long as it’s only for a short time.
I will return all too soon to restore order and structure to the Gronke household. In the meantime… party on! Baby Sukigara, please, please wait for me!
I am off to be one of the lucky few who will welcome Baby Sukigara into this world – something I have dreamed about for months. A last minute flight coupled with the chaotic preparations for my departure made for a very hectic evening and an almost tearful morning. I am not one to easily pick up and go. I love to be spontaneous and I’m always up for a trip anywhere but the tasks required to prepare for my time away nearly always sends me into a panic attack… especially when I am leaving my family, my babies behind. I mean isn’t my family entirely dependant upon me to survive? As I go through the weekend, minute by minute, I begin to panic…
Did I confirm the babysitter? Did I leave Roger our babysitter’s number? What if she doesn’t show up on time? That means Riley will miss his high school orientation – I am now convinced that Riley’s high school years will be destined for failure if they don’t go to orientation.
Ah, but then I recall – Riley doesn’t even want to go to orientation so worst case scenario – he gets his wishes and his high school career starts out with a bit of confusion but an overall happy outlook because we didn’t force him to go to orientation.
I spend a few blissful moments dreaming about Baby Sukigara and then…
Hmmm, do I believe that Riley really got a ride to and from BBall practice on Friday? If he doesn’t have a ride home then he’ll sit at the school all by himself at 9:45 at night and he could be kidnapped and Roger can’t leave to pick him up because the little kids are in bed and oh… ok, worst case scenario he walks home. It’s only a mile. And really, his coach is not going to leave him without a ride. Ok, and honestly I heard him confirm his ride so what am I worrying about?
And just when I think the bloody mary is kicking in and I’m starting to lose the edginess – relaxation is on the horizon…
Uh oh, I just remembered that Roger will have to put Hope’s hair up for ballet on Saturday… well this ought to be interesting! Unfortunately, I have the camera with me. Hope will probably have short hair when I get home and she’ll need therapy for years…
Regardless, I am walking out the door... And as I walk out the door I am overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude.
I just love Heather and Doug and I am so grateful for our friendship and their willingness and eagerness to share the miracle of their baby with me. A testament to our friendship and everlasting bond. I’ve been the lucky enough to witness so many special births now and these are the memories that I cherish more than most. I am lucky… and thankful…
Thankful that I share the birth of Riley with Mom and Heather (and yes, even Grandma June). Thankful that Sarah and Elizabeth made it (albeit just in time) for Hope’s arrival.
Thankful that Sarah and Janet were there for the birth of baby Nico.
Thankful, of course, for Roger who was always by my side.
A little sad that Mom tried so hard to be there for Hope and Nico but just couldn’t make it in the end… but very thankful for her determination – my children just don’t have a history of being very cooperative when it comes to birthdays :)
I am thankful for all those dearest of friends and family who shared their special birthdays with me and I am thankful for yet another opportunity to make a very special memory with Baby Sukigara.
I am thankful for Carrie and Sarah for all their support with the Gronke clan their crazy schedule this weekend.
I am so grateful and enamored with Roger who repeatedly encouraged me to take advantage of this opportunity and who graciously ensured this adventure became a reality. I probably should be worried because he keeps telling the kids that when Mommy’s away he’ll be making some changes for the better. But these changes involve hot pockets for dinner and a weekend of movies and napping so I am at ease – they all will thoroughly enjoy their own little vacation. They’ll be just fine without me as long as it’s only for a short time.
I will return all too soon to restore order and structure to the Gronke household. In the meantime… party on! Baby Sukigara, please, please wait for me!
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