This isn't exactly what I had in mind for my first post. Ever since I made the decision to keep a blog I have sketched out my first (and many subsequent) blogs in my head. I thought I'd write something inspirational or motivating... or at least something about why I am blogging and where I intend to take my blog, etc. But tonight I have a story that must be documented - something so little but it made me stop and smile. It made me so giddy that I feel I must share. The motivation and inspiration will have to wait!
Tonight as I wondered through Riley's room looking for a movie that was way overdue I came across something that made me stop and marvel at the simplicity of teenage romances. Sitting on his nightstand, right beside his bed was the most adorable picture set in a frame stenciled with metallic silver words saying something about how Riley makes his girlfriend speechless. A Christmas gift from his girlfriend! Oh how simple yet creative, imaginative and thoughtful this gift, but something that Riley obviously adores. It is also obvious that he adores this girl – the picture in this frame shows him standing, looking admiringly at his girlfriend while you only see the back of her head. I’ve been dying all night to go back up and re-read the words she stenciled on the frame but that would give away my hidden desire to be all knowing! So, I wait… until he is preoccupied…
I nonchalantly mentioned how sweet and thoughtful this gift was and proceeded to act only mildly interested (so not to arouse suspicion of my ever-inquiring and need-to-know everything about your life mind) what he had given Molly for Christmas. As it turns out he got her the same thing he got me: his love and admiration! Ok, maybe I’m only wishing for the admiration part but a Mom can dream, right?
So, I continued to marvel at the simplicity of teenage romances wondering how and where I lost sight of the simple things… the homemade or really heart felt gifts that mean so much more than anything you can purchase with money.
I really needed this small token to keep my mind preoccupied because bath time digressed into Hope asking what the name of that thing was again that dangled between Nico’s legs! I had exactly 2 seconds to decide whether to make up a name for it or use the correct terminology. I did decide to use the proper name but Hope’s interpretation turned out to be a “wenis”, which I had no desire to correct. A wenis it is!! This conversation then turned to why do boys have a wenis and girls don’t. Of course, my answer that God made us this way didn’t sit well with Hope and we began the never ending questions of whether God is a boy or a girl and why can’t we see Him and so on and on and on… at this point it was Roger’s cue to announce that the dishes were calling him – well, at least I now know what it will take to get Roger to do the dishes!
I nonchalantly mentioned how sweet and thoughtful this gift was and proceeded to act only mildly interested (so not to arouse suspicion of my ever-inquiring and need-to-know everything about your life mind) what he had given Molly for Christmas. As it turns out he got her the same thing he got me: his love and admiration! Ok, maybe I’m only wishing for the admiration part but a Mom can dream, right?
So, I continued to marvel at the simplicity of teenage romances wondering how and where I lost sight of the simple things… the homemade or really heart felt gifts that mean so much more than anything you can purchase with money.
I really needed this small token to keep my mind preoccupied because bath time digressed into Hope asking what the name of that thing was again that dangled between Nico’s legs! I had exactly 2 seconds to decide whether to make up a name for it or use the correct terminology. I did decide to use the proper name but Hope’s interpretation turned out to be a “wenis”, which I had no desire to correct. A wenis it is!! This conversation then turned to why do boys have a wenis and girls don’t. Of course, my answer that God made us this way didn’t sit well with Hope and we began the never ending questions of whether God is a boy or a girl and why can’t we see Him and so on and on and on… at this point it was Roger’s cue to announce that the dishes were calling him – well, at least I now know what it will take to get Roger to do the dishes!
Come to think of it - I never did get that movie out of Riley's room that I was looking for. Oh, the simple things always distract me…
I am laughing so hard! I would love to be a fly on the wall in your home. :)